The responsible body for this website within the meaning of the Telemediengesetz [German Telemedia Act] is:

DPS Engineering GmbH
Silcherstraße 9
70771 Leinfelden
Telephone: +49 711 90387-0
Fax: +49 711 9035736

Executive Partners:
Werner Dorschel, Johann Prigge
Managing director:
Wilhelmus van Geenen, Joachim Dorschel, Thomas Kanold
Court of registration: District Court of Stuttgart
Register number: HRB 222767
VAT ID Number: DE 147828293


The following companies belong to the DPS Group:

DPS Holding GmbH
Silcherstraße 9
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Telephone: +49 711 90387-0
Fax: +49 711 9035736

Managing Directors:
Werner Dorschel, Johann Prigge
Court of registration: District Court of Stuttgart
Register number: HRB 735656


DPS Innovations GmbH
Grüneisenstraße 25
70184 Stuttgart
Telephone: +49 711 90387-0
Fax: +49 711 9035736

Managing Directors:
Werner Dorschel, Joachim Dorschel
Court of registration: District Court of Stuttgart
Register number: HRB 755076